Water Utilities

Water Treatment Plant

The City of Merrill has a rich heritage and fascinating history LCRR Service Information– and Merrill’s Water Treatment Plant is no exception. The original Water Treatment Plant was started by a private firm called “City Water Works” in 1887. Water was taken from the Prairie River, located near what is now Prairie River Middle School. The water was treated using coagulation, sedimentation, and filtration processes followed by chlorination. It was then pumped by steam equipment into the system.

On July 31, 1947, the City of Merrill purchased the utility from the American Water Works Company. Following the purchase, a groundwater supply was established with three wells constructed in 1948 along with an elevated tank. Since then, there have been changes and additions. A new well was installed in 1960, and another one was created in 1975. In 1979, a new water tower was added. Today, we have approximately 575 hydrants, 4,000 services and meters, and about 2,000 distribution valves that range in size from 2 to 16 inches.

Wastewater Treatment Plant

When it comes to sewer charges, most community members are doing their part to keep costs down. Are you doing yours?

The sewer charge pays for operation and maintenance of the collection system, and the wastewater treatment plant, also known as the water recycling center. One way to reduce that cost is to simply reduce the amount of water that needs treatment.

If your drain spouts, roof drains or sump pump is hooked up to the sanitary sewer, it is usually a simple fix to unhook and discharge it to your yard. Please help reduce costs to help keep everyone's bill more manageable.

On average, the City pumps 750,000 gallons of water per day to residences and businesses throughout the community; however, the treatment plant recycles about 1 million gallons per day. The added 25 percent is made up of clearwater (rain, snow melt, and ground water) that infiltrates into the collection system or it’s added by sump pumps that are connected to the sanitary sewer. Another source is drain spouts or roof drains that may be also hooked to the sanitary sewer, contributing to clearwater during rain events. Some results of this excess clearwater are basement backups, the possibility of raw wastewater being discharged onto city streets, greater energy and chemical consumption, increased operation and maintenance costs, and failure to meet discharge permit parameters required by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

Wastewater staff works diligently to identify, prevent and correct the sources of clearwater infiltration. Some of these sources may be from:

• Cracked or broken mainline pipes

• Cracked or broken manholes

• Manhole pick holes during flooding conditions

• Broken or cracked home or business laterals

If you aren’t already, please do your part to make a difference!

Pay Your Utility Bill

There are many ways to pay!

  • You can pay your bill at the Water Utility Garage, 2401 River St., if you are paying with a check, money order, or a debit or credit card. Cash payments are NOT accepted at the Utility Garage.
  • You may pay at the Clerk Treasurer's office at City Hall using cash, check, money order, debit or credit card.
  • You may pay online.
  • You can pay by phone at 1-833-431-1747.  You will need your account number and your house  number to use the pay by phone which is an automated system.
  • OR you may sign up to have your bill automatically deducted from your checking account. To do this, simply fill out the ACH Payment Authorization Form (click on document below), attach a voided check and return it to the Water Utility Office located at 2401 River Street or the City Clerk/Treasurer’s Office located at 1004 E. First Street. In lieu of a voided check, you can also attach a letter from your bank verifying your account number and routing number. You will continue to receive a water bill in the mail each cycle which will tell you the amount of your bill. That amount will be deducted on the 10th of the month.

Got questions? Click here.

Lead and Copper Customer Survey

Directions to Submit Survey Online

  1. Go to city of Merrill’s Website, then Departments, then Water Utilities and click on Customer Survey for Lead and Copper Reporting
  2. Locate water meter in the basement or crawl space in home.
  3. Complete Address, Name, Date, Phone Number, and an Email Address is optional.
  4. Pictures: Take multiple photos of the water lateral pipes before and after the water meter. Tap the (+) to add additional photos.
  5. Submit the completed survey.

Lead and Copper Customer Survey 

LEAD & COPPER Information



Lead in Drinking Water

 LCRR Service Information

PFAS Testing

Merrill Water Utility has finished their PFAS testing for 2023.  The results are well below the Maximum Contaminant Level of 70 ppt and the Health Advisory Level of 20 ppt set by the Wisconsin DNR.  There is more information on the links below.  

