Tax Collection

The City of Merrill collects taxes for the City, Lincoln County, the Merrill Area School District, Northcentral Technical College, and the State of Wisconsin. Each taxing jurisdiction establishes its own budget and tax levy. The levies are combined, adjusted for Tax Increment Districts, and divided by the City’s total assessed value to get the tax rate. The tax rate is often expressed in terms of dollars per thousand (also known as the mill rate – a mill is one one-thousandth of a dollar and in property tax terms is equal to $1.00 of tax for each $1,000 of assessment).

Tax Timeline:

December 15 - Property tax bills are mailed in mid-December. Tax bills are viewable online at the Lincoln County Land Records website. Merrill property owners have the option to pay in full by January 31st or pay in six Installments due: January 31, February 28, March 31, April 30, May 31, and June 30. Special Assessment charges and other charges included on the tax bill must be paid in full by January 31st.
The tax bill format provides for a remittance advice at the top of the tax bill. Please detach the advice and remit with payment in the enclosed envelope.
Failure to make a full and timely monthly installment forfeits the installment payment option – the full balance becomes due and interest and penalty charges are calculated from February 1st (Wis Stats.74.12(10)a and 74.12(10)b)).


Tax Payments:

The City offers the following payment options:
1.)  Mail:  Please make checks payable to the City of Merrill and mail payment, along with the remittance stub located at the top of your tax bill, in the envelope provided. Tax payments are credited by postmark for deadline dates.
Please make checks payable and mail to:
 City of Merrill
1004 E First St.
Merrill, WI 54452
2.)  Electronic Payment/AutoPay: The city offers the option for automatic deductions of monthly installments from a savings or checking account. Property owners must sign up every year for this option and must authorize the City to make monthly deductions on the 20th of each month. The sign up for ACH payment is below. Contact City Hall at (715) 536-5594 x236 with any questions.
3.) Drop Box: The City has a secure drop box located at the front of City Hall (near the flag pole). No cash payments. Please include the remittance stub from your tax bill with your payment.

4.) City Hall: In person cash, check or money order payments are accepted at City Hall during normal business hours 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday.

Receipts Copies of Bills, Change of Address

Would you like a payment receipt? Another copy of your tax bill? Or to change your mailing address? All of these features and more are available on the Lincoln County Ascent Land Record System.

Other Resources

Lincoln County Land Records System
Lincoln County Mill Rates
WI Dept. of Revenue Lottery and Gaming Tax Credit

