Marketing & Communications
The Marketing & Communications team is committed to propelling Merrill forward. Our goal is to attract more people to live, work play here. Merrill offers year-round outdoor recreation, an excellent work/life balance, small-town charm, affordable housing, a strong sense of community, big city amenities, incredible schools and more.
The Marketing & Communications Committee is made up of local volunteers and City leaders. It was formed in 2021 in response to a three-year, community-involved research initiative focused on discovering and defining what makes Merrill unique in the marketplace. That’s the driving force behind the creation and execution of the City’s marketing and branding plan. Committee members represent local organizations and businesses. Alderpersons are voting members.
The City has one paid part-time staff, who is working to put the City of Merrill on the map, and retain and attract talent. This position along with marketing expenses are funded by a combination of franchise fees from cable company subscriptions and some funding from the State of Wisconsin. The monies can only be used for marketing and communications purposes. It is NOT funded by Merrill taxpayers.
We are committed to the following:
1. Increase Awareness
2. Increase Engagement
3. Provide Access
4. Enhance Transparency
5. Reinforce Credibility