Normal Park
600 N Center Ave,
Normal Park is a two-acre neighborhood park with many amenities. It features 6,900-square-feet of all-access playground equipment for children, including a ramp system for wheelchair accessibility, wheelchair accessible merry-go-round, tandem swings, and stimulation components such as wind chimes and sensory panels, all on a rubber, impact-absorbing playground surface.
Normal Park’s beautiful gazebo is home to concerts by the Merrill City Band and various performers. A seasonal Farmer’s Market is held at the park on Wednesdays and Saturdays, as well as Chalk Fest, annual cultural festivals, and small wedding ceremonies.
Located on the corner of Sixth Street and Center Avenue, Normal Park is adjacent to many of Merrill’s historic homes and is frequently used for picnicking. A new building onsite offers restrooms open to the public in summer (May-Oct.), as well as space for concessions and kitchen.