
Snow Removal

  • Snow removal is a complicated and time consuming task. There are many variables that are considered when determining how to handle a snow or freezing rain event.
  • We are responsible for over 72 miles of city streets plus alleys, sidewalks and city parking lots.
  • On any winter weather event, priority is given to major roads like Hwy 64, Hwy 107 and streets that serve hospitals and schools.
  • After these streets are cleared, our plows start working on residential streets.
  • Salt is generally applied to the main streets when the temperature is above 15 degrees in an effort to maintain bare pavement.
  • A mixture of sand/salt is applied to the intersections, hills and curves of the residential streets.
  • Snow is also removed from the boulevards in downtown and business district areas regularly to help with pedestrian traffic and to prevent ice from accumulating in these areas.
  • Boulevard snow removal is only done when the crews are not needed for plowing.