Community Development Committee
The Community Development Committee meets at the call of the chairperson.
The Community Development Committee establishes policy and procedures for administration of grants for housing and economic development, and the revolving loan funds created by these grants. The Committee approves the loans made using these funds and provides guidance to the Community Development Director to enhance the City's development. The Committee consists of six citizens with expertise in banking, manufacturing and business; one alderperson; and the ex-officio City Community Development Director.
*Community Development Committee members serve three-year terms. Dates listed are when terms expire.
Chris Malm *5-1-25
Landis Holdorf *5-1-26
Pete Koblitz *5-1-27
Nancy Kwiesielewicz *5-1-26
Betsy Meier-Peterson *5-1-26
Daniel Schneider *5-1-25
Mark Weix Jr, Alderperson