Board of Appeals
The Board of Appeals meets the FIRST TUESDAY of the month at 6 p.m.
The Board of Appeals is a five-member committee with two alternate members who are appointed by the Mayor. The Zoning Board of Appeals has several powers: (1) To hear and decide appeals where it is alleged that there is an error made by any order, requirement, decision, or determination made by an administrative official and the enforcement of the City's zoning ordinances. (2) To hear and decide special exceptions to the terms of the City's zoning and floodplain zoning regulations. (3) To issue variances where it is found in specific cases that strict conformance to the zoning regulations would provide unnecessary hardship or if there is practical difficulty or unique topographical conditions of the lot. (4) To hear interpretations of the code once the City Plan Commission has made a recommendation in deciding how the zoning code should be interpreted.
*Board of Appeals members serve three-year terms. Dates listed are when terms expire.
Ryan Schwartzman *5-1-26
Jeremy Thompson *5-1-25
James Koebe *5-1-26
Eric Dayton *5-1-25
Ron Burrow - Alternate *5-1-27
Dean Haas *5-1-26