Enrichment Center Committee

The Enrichment Center Committee meets the THIRD THURSDAY of the month at 2:15 p.m. 

The Enrichment Center Committee members provide guidance, knowledge, and suggestions to the Director relative to the programs and services offered to the community. The Committee has strong community representation, consisting of local business owners, representatives from community organizations such as the ADRC and UW-Extension, religious affiliations, education, etc.

*Enrichment Center Committee members serve a one-year term. Dates listed are when terms expire.

Jay Tlusty  *5-1-25
Carol Holz  *5-1-25
Elizabeth McCrank  *5-1-25
Mark Weix Jr, Alderperson
Sharon Harvey  *5-1-25
Gene Bebel  *5-1-25
Laura Bertagnoli  *5-1-25
Jennifer Clark, Ex-Officio (non-voting) ADRC, 607 North Sales Street