Redevelopment Authority
The Redevelopment Authority meets the FIRST WEDNESDAY of the month at 8 a.m.
The Redevelopment Authority shall have all powers, duties and functions set out in Wisconsin State Statutes Chapter 66.1333, for redevelopment authorities. The Redevelopment Authority shall act as the agent of the City in planning and carrying out blight elimination and urban renewal programs and activities approved by the Mayor and Common Council. The Redevelopment Authority shall proceed under all applicable laws and ordinances not inconsistent with the laws of this state. The Redevelopment Authority shall act as agent of the City to perform all acts, except the development of the general plan of the city which may be otherwise performed by the Plan Commission under Wisconsin State Statutes Chapter 66.1105, 66.1301 through 66.1329, 66.1331, 66.1333, or 66.1337.
*Redevelopment Authority members serve five-year terms. Dates listed are when terms expire.
Steve Hass, Mayor, Chairperson
LaDonna Fermanich, Alderperson
Tony Kusserow *9/2025
Mark Bares *9/2026
Pete Koblitz *9/2027
Gary Hartwig *4/2026
Clyde Nelson *9/2029