Community Development
How do you apply for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) housing loan?
Come to the Community Development office on the 1st floor of City Hall.
Are nuisance complaints public records?
Yes, all nuisance complaints are public record.
Are there economic development funds available for a new or existing business?
Currently there are funds available for business loans. Contact Community Development at (715) 536-4880 or the Lincoln County Economic Development office at (715) 390-0747 for further details.
Can a nuisance complaint be taken over the phone?
No, all nuisance complaints must be in writing with a signature. If the homeowner does not want to file one, contact your Alderperson or the Mayor to assist.
How do I file a nuisance complaint?
You can file a nuisance complaint in the City Clerk’s office or the Community Development/Zoning office or with your Alderperson. The complaint form must be completed and signed.
What are the qualifications for a CDBG housing loan?
You must own your home in the city limits and be income eligible.
What is the current interest rate for an economic development loan?
The current interest rate on an Economic Development loan with the City of Merrill is 2%.
Who is the exterior maintenance inspector?
The Exterior Maintenance Inspector works out of the Community Development Office and can be contacted at (715) 536-4880.