Merrill Fairgrounds
Merrill Fairgrounds, formerly known as Lincoln County Fairgrounds, is located 2001 E 2nd St. in Merrill, WI. This 22-acre property features a grandstand with new, stadium lighting, permanent booths for vendors, pole barns, and the Bierman Building/Expo Center. The Bierman Building/Expo Center was built in 2017, and can accommodate up to 500 people for a sit-down dinner. The grounds and buildings can be rented for weddings, parties, events, conventions, and more.
To reserve Merrill Fairgrounds or space in the Bierman Building/Expo Center, contact the City Attorney's office at (715) 539-3510.
Also, if you have ideas for events on Merrill Fairgrounds or you're interested in being a sponsor, please contact the City Attorney's office!