City Clerk

The City Clerk performs the following duties:

  • Official custodian of general City records and the City Seal Administers oaths of office.
  • Prepares agendas and minutes for the Common Council; Committee of the Whole; Personnel & Finance Committee; Health & Safety Committee; Board of Review; Board of Public Works; City Plan Commission; Marketing & Communications Committee; Merrill Fairgrounds Committee; and Historical Preservation Committee.
  • Posts City meeting and public hearing notices on bulletin boards and disseminates to the public.
  • Coordinates with City Assessor and Lincoln County Tax Lister on assessment notices and reports Voting member of Board of Review. (also trained member)
  • Responsible for calculation of property taxes and completion of numerous State of Wisconsin Reports.
  • Responsible for all City licensing and permits including liquor, bartender, picnic, taxi, street openings, parade, etc.
  • Election duties: Provides nomination papers, mails absentee ballots, arranges for poll workers, visits polling places, and does election follow up work.
  • Maintains data in WisVote. (Wisconsin Elections Commission statewide voter system)
  • Renews and maintains City liability, property and Worker Compensation insurance policies.
  • The City Clerk is typically the first person citizens contact when they do not know who to contact with questions, concerns, etc.
  • The City Clerk also performs duties as requested/assigned by Common Council and Mayor.

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