Police Department records may be requested, inspected, and copies obtained during normal business hours of Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Every effort will be made to respond to the open records request as soon as practical. However, in some cases, records may require retrieval and therefore may not be readily available. The Department of Justice for the State of Wisconsin generally consider 10 days a reasonable time for response.
The information that you supply in your request will determine the records that you will receive. The Merrill Police Department asks that you please supply as much information as possible. The more specific you are, the easier it will be to locate your record.
Fees for reproducing records will be maintained by the City of Merrill. The charges will be based on the employee’s time retrieving and copying the records and material costs associated with the request. If the total cost does not exceed $50, the fee will be the actual cost of reproducing the material. Prepayment may be required if costs exceed $5.
The employee receiving your request may not be authorized to release the information when the request is made. A Supervisor of the Police Department must approve the release the records that you have requested. This assures that Department policy regarding the release of certain records is followed.
Although the public has access to police records, there are certain files that are confidential and cannot be released. Your understanding of the Department’s procedure and State Law is appreciated.
Accident Reports
If you are requesting an accident report, please be advised your insurance company will request and pay for the records. If you still need a copy you should submit an Open Record Request Form. Please include driver name(s), date and location.
Please be advised that due to the federal Driver's Privacy Protection Act, it is recommended to have your insurance carrier or a retained attorney obtain a complete report as they are not subject to redacted reports under this Act.